Partnering with a Non-Profit Organization
Does your business support or help a local non-profit organization? If not, now is the time to start! Charities love to thank their supporters, so this will mean extra promotion for your business.
You don’t have to spend a lot to support a non-profit organization. It may be that the organization is more thankful for the gift of your time and talents than what’s in your pocketbook. And, as an extra perk, they typically take the time to offer a public thank you!
Partnering with a non-profit organization doesn’t have to be a intricate process. To build your business AND help you give back, just follow these three simple steps:
- Locate a local non-profit charity that is a good fit with your business.
- Contact the non-profit organization with your wish to give, and inquire about a meeting with the director.
- Aid and serve your non-profit partner, to the best of your ability.
Remember, this doesn’t have to involve money. If you are an plumber, you could offer free services to a local shelter. If you are a music teacher, establish a “scholarship” for a needy student of a local organization. There are many ways — you only need to find one.